Who: This campaign is led by Rotarians United to Stop Human Trafficking (Rotary District
Speakers will include Rotary District 5180 Assistant Governor Brian Gladden, District
Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, Sacramento Chief of Police Daniel Hahn, Ashlie Bryant
(3Strands Global), Viviana Becerra (Legislative Director, Office of Assemblyman Rob
Bonta – AB 1227), and a survivor of human trafficking.
When: Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 10:30AM
Where: State Capitol, West Steps
Details: Rotary District 5180 has been awarded the largest Rotary Foundation Global Grant in US
history to create a reproducible, large-scale project in the Greater Sacramento region to
combat human trafficking. This prevention project includes a proven and approved
education program that disseminates education and awareness information to children,
healthcare workers, law enforcement, and educators, to prevent human trafficking. The
program also includes an aggressive advertising campaign which has just launched in the
Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world according to the FBI and is
believed to be more than a $150 billion industry. There are an estimated 40 million
people enslaved globally, according to The International Labor Organization. The
Greater Sacramento region is considered to be one of the hotbeds for human sex
trafficking in the United States.
Contact: Rachel Smith, WordSmith Communications, 916-708-7224,