The Domestic Violence Unit is comprised of a team of attorneys, victim advocates, investigators and support staff who are all involved in the prosecution of domestic violence cases. The cases prosecuted include sexual abuse, physical abuse, human trafficking, stalking and restraining order violations. Department 60 is the Domestic Violence Home Court; this is where the prosecution of domestic violence cases begins.
A multi-disciplinary team that reviews domestic violence related homicide and homicide/suicide cases to reduce and prevent future incidents of domestic violence.
Handles felony cases of elder and dependent adult physical and mental abuse, neglect, and cases where an elder or dependent adult is the victim of a crime.
A “one stop” facility for victims of family violence to report a crime, provide a statement to a detective or trained child interviewer, get help with a temporary restraining order, find safe housing and learn about the court process.
A restraining order prohibits the restrained person from harassing, making contact with, or assaulting the person seeking the order. There are various types of restraining orders an individual can file.
The DA’s Office aggressively pursues and prosecutes those who commit sex or labor trafficking. The office is also a part of a law enforcement human trafficking task force and a collaborative effort to rescue and assist victims.
The DA’s Office has skilled and experienced victim advocates, who are specialized in domestic violence crimes. These advocates are available throughout the court process for victims of domestic violence.