Family Justice CenterSteve2024-07-16T08:21:10-08:00
The Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center (FJC) collaborative provides victims and their families with a “one stop” facility to report a crime, provide a complete statement taken by a detective or a trained child interviewer, get assistance to obtain a temporary restraining order, find safe housing, meet their prosecutor and victim advocate to learn what will happen in court, and most importantly, find the support they need to keep them from falling back into the hands of the accused.
This collaboration will help fill the cracks in our current system, allowing us to reach victims early and help us put an end to domestic violence. We know this is an effective model as evidenced by a number of similar collaborations through our state known as Family Justice Centers. There are 13 counties in California that have successful FJCs.
The safety and well-being of our men, women and, especially, our children is the foundation of a thriving and prosperous Sacramento region. Like any successful business model, the FJC allows for a coordinated, more efficient and effective delivery system of the critical services and support that our existing agencies provide, resulting in lives saved and less violence in our community.