Child Abduction
If you need to report an emergency, call 911 immediately.
Court Order
If your child has been abducted and you do not have custody orders in place, you should obtain one as soon as possible. The Child Abduction Unit cannot give you legal advice or guidance. For more information on how to initiate child custody proceedings, consult a private attorney or visit the Sacramento Superior Court website at:
Visitation Violations
The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Child Abduction Unit accepts reports of violations of court ordered visitation, but does not investigate the reports. The reports serve only as a method for the reporting party to document the violation for use in family court proceedings, if appropriate.
Visitation Violation Report Form
Good Cause Notification
The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Child Abduction Unit accepts reports of “Good Cause” pursuant to Penal Code section 278.7, but does not investigate the reports. The reports serve only as a method for the reporting party to notify the District Attorney’s Office that they have a good faith and reasonable belief that their child will suffer immediate harm if left with the other parent. In addition to filing the Good Cause Notification, you are responsible for commencing custody proceedings within a reasonable time and keeping the District Attorney’s Office informed of your current address and phone number. Failure to fulfill all of these requirements could result in the filing of child abduction charges.
Good Cause Notification Form
Good Cause Contact Information Update Form
Request Assistance
If you are a resident of Sacramento County with a valid custody order granting you primary physical custody and believe that your child was abducted by a non custodial parent, click here to provide your name, the other parent’s name and a phone number where you can be reached. You will be contacted within two business days. You can also request assistance by calling the Child Abduction Unit at 916.875.0096.
Request Assistance Form
The District Attorney’s office may be able to assist you in
enforcing your court order if:
You are a Sacramento County resident, and
You possess a current, valid court order granting you custody.
File a police report. They will require that you have certified copies of your most recent court orders regarding custody. Also, request the law enforcement agency place your child in the National Crime Information Computer System (NCIC). If you have a valid custody order, you can contact our Parental Child Abduction Unit using the link on this website, or by calling 916- 875-0096. You will be contacted within two business days. For additional assistance, you may wish to call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1.800.843.5678.
Yes. The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Child Abduction Unit accepts reports of violations of court ordered visitation, but does not investigate the reports. The reports serve only as a method for the reporting party to document the violation for use in family court proceedings, if appropriate.
Click here to file a visitation report.
Pursuant to Penal Code Section 278.7, parental abduction does not apply to a person with a right of custody or a victim of domestic violence who has good faith and reasonable belief that their child will suffer immediate bodily injury or emotional harm if left with the other person takes, keeps, withholds, or conceals the child. But that person must:
- Make a report of the taking within a reasonable amount of time to the District Attorney’s Office of the county where the child resided before the taking (as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days),
- Commence a custody proceeding within a reasonable time from the taking (as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days), and
- Inform the district attorney of any change of address or phone number of the person and the child.
If you do not have a legally allowable reason for taking or keeping the child, you could face charges of child abduction.
- Click here to file a report of good cause.
- Click here to update your address and phone number on your good cause notification.
No. By statute, the District Attorney’s Office cannot represent a party. You must retain private counsel or proceed on your own. The Sacramento County Superior Court website ( contains information to assist you in Family Law matters.
Yes. In fact, the majority of abductions are committed by family members. Not only does child abduction involve a violation of Family Court, Juvenile Court and/or Probate Court orders, but it also involves a felony violation of the law. The punishment for committing such a crime can be up to four years in prison and a $10,000 fine, even if the abductor is a family member.
Child abduction occurs when someone takes, entices away, keeps, withholds, or conceals a child in violation of a custody or visitation order.