Episode 50: Mass Victimization Trauma and the Crisis Response Team
Description: Discussion on what mass victimization trauma is and how the Mass Victimization Crisis Response Team works together to provide support services for those directly and indirectly impacted by a large-scale, multi-victim criminal incident.
Show Notes: District Attorney Victim Witness Assistance Program Manager Nina Acosta provides a general overview of the District Attorney’s Victim Witness Assistance Program and what services they provide to victims of crime.
Nina and District Attorney Victim Advocate Michelle Husbands define and discuss mass victimization trauma and the difference between services provided to direct victims who were physically injured and indirect victims who were not injured but witnessed the incident.
Michelle explains what the Mass Victimization Response Team is, what organizations are typically involved, how they work together and our office’s role on team.
Nina and Michelle discuss the Family Assistance Center that was recently setup in Sacramento and that services are still available for those impacted now, and months from now if needed. Some may take longer to process a traumatic event, so resources can be found on the Sacramento County District Attorney’s website when they are ready to seek assistance.
Nina and Michelle close by sharing their closing thoughts on mass victimization trauma, signs of trauma and the importance of those who might need assistance to contact one of the many available resources.
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Tags – Mass Victimization Trauma, Sacramento County District Attorney Victim Witness Assistance Program, Victim Advocates, Mass Victimization Crisis Response Team, Justice Journal Podcast