New! Episode 46: Combatting Human trafficking with 3Strands Global Foundation
Description: A discussion on human trafficking trends and prevention efforts in recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness month moderated by Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney Thien Ho. Guests are Ashlie Bryant, 3Strands Global Co-Founder, President and CEO, and Courtney Martin, Deputy District Attorney, who is assigned to the human trafficking unit at the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office.
Show Notes: Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney, Thien Ho moderates a discussion about human trafficking awareness. Ashlie Bryant, 3Strands Global Co-Founder, President and CEO talks about how she began her work in combatting human trafficking, and the two specific areas of prevention 3Strands focuses on: education and employment.
She discusses the education component by describing their “Protect” program, which instructs teachers on how to spot victims of trafficking, as well as teach students what exploitation looks like and what it means to be safe. The program is taught at various schools nationwide from K-12 grades. Ashlie then describes achieving prevention through employment which 3Strands offers through their “Employ plus Empower” program.
Deputy District Attorney Courtney Martin, discusses how she views the problem from 3 sides: demand, distribution and supply. She describes her efforts to curtail human trafficking through prosecution, working with law enforcement, and providing support to those who have been trafficked.
The group then discusses current trends they have observed, which have been negatively impacted by the “stay in place” orders of the pandemic. They discuss red flags, their tips on what the community can do to help combat human trafficking, and how they collaborate with many organizations to provide a net for survivors and victims of exploitation.
If someone believes they are witnessing a trafficking situation, call 911. To report a non-emergency human possible human trafficking situation or suspected victim/trafficker – call the human trafficking hotline at 888.373.7888 or text “HELP” or “INFO” to 233733.
For listeners who want to learn more about 3Strands and its programs or services, Ashlie provides information on how people can reach their organization.
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Tags – District Attorney, Justice Journal Podcast, Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Labor Trafficking, Pimping, Pandering, Victim Advocate, CASH, Community Against Sexual Harm, 3Strands Global