Episode 19: Community Partner Profile: Brother to Brother (Pt. 2)
Description: A discussion between Brother to Brother Co-Founder Mervin Brookins, District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert and Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn on their personal and professional relationships and the importance of law enforcement partnering with community organizations to improve the lives of individuals and create healthier, safer neighborhoods.
Show Notes: Mervin talks about his background and personal story as well as how Brother to Brother serves the community.
Mervin, Anne Marie and Chief Hahn explain how they came to know Mervin and how their mutual respect and trust developed over time. They each give several examples of how their partnership is building relationships between law enforcement and community members, increasing safety and turning lives around.
They each share how working together helps in their respective roles to serve the community – benefiting the safety of our streets, the criminal justice system and lives of individuals. They also share how their partnership helps to overcome challenges they face.
Mervin gives examples of success stories from Brother to Brother and how it involved working with law enforcement, including a multi-generational story of a father and son.
They close with final thoughts on the importance of supporting programs like Brother to Brother, which in the end helps law enforcement, benefits the criminal justice system and creates a healthier, safer community.
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Tags – District Attorney, Anne Marie Schubert, Sacramento Police, Chief Daniel Hahn, Brother to Brother, Mervin Brookins, Neighborhood Wellness Foundation, Justice Journal