Reentry Court
The Reentry Court was formed in 2013 as a result of AB 109, known as “Public Safety Realignment,” under which many offenders who would normally be sentenced to state prison are instead sentenced to serve their prison term in county jail. The court is a collaboration between the District Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, the Probation Department, the Sheriff’s Home Detention Program and the Sacramento Superior Court.
Reentry Court is for defendants with a moderate to high risk of reoffending. If accepted, defendants have their County Jail prison sentences suspended and they are instead placed on probation. Reentry Court defendants spend 12 – 18 months in the program. Each defendant must complete the Adult Day Reporting Center (ADRC) program through the Probation Department. After graduation from ADRC, they are monitored by the Reentry Court for several more months prior to graduating from Reentry Court. Upon a successful graduation, the conviction is dismissed and probation is terminated, absent some other agreement or if offender still owes victim restitution.