Summer @ City Hall
Summer @ City Hall (S@CH) is a six-week summer learning experience that provides incoming High School Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to learn about local government processes, develop leadership skills and how to become an active member of their community.
During the program, students work on a project based learning assignment called Project City Hall that requires them to engage in small group activities to identifying a real-world problem or issue that is being experienced within Sacramento. Students are given the opportunity to develop an Awareness Campaign around that subject matter which includes a visual billboard and a video public service announcement (PSA). These Awareness Campaigns are presented to the City Council by the student groups each year at the conclusion of the program.
The Youth & Community Connect (YCC) App was selected as one of the projects this summer. View the S@CH student created and produced YCC App Public Service Announcement.

Thank you to the students and teacher that worked on the project and the staff report (view staff report YCC_APP_Staff_Report):
Jian Li, John F. Kennedy High School
Amol Budhiraja, Inderkum High School
Ronikka West, Health Professions
Bridget Kemp, St. Francis Catholic High School
Richard McGovern, Inderkum High School
Tess Vaccaro, John F. Kennedy High School
Luis Martinez, Elinor Lincoln Hickey High School
Christian Gandara, Hiram Johnson High School
Hania Arshad, Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep
Brandon Moreno, Burbank High School
Megan Gacus, John F. Kennedy High School
Mr. Michael Washington, S@CH Teacher