PROSECUTOR: Deputy District Attorney Monica Robinson, Animal Cruelty Unit
The Honorable Carlton Davis sentenced Amber Lebben to one year in county jail and two years formal probation after Lebben pled to felony animal cruelty. Lebben was also banned from owning an animal for 10 years.
Lebben was renting a home and had at least five dogs. On June 20, 2020, the landlord called the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a welfare check on Lebben after flies were seen on her interior window and a terrible smell was coming from her home. Deputies located two dogs in advanced stages of decomposition inside the home. During a subsequent search of the home, three additional decomposing dogs were located on Lebben’s property, including one which had been rolled up in a carpet. Search warrants were written for Lebben’s social media and cell phones. Lebben was checking in on social media at various bars, restaurants and vacation spots during the time period when at least two of the three dogs died from lack of food and water.