District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert joins local public safety leaders, victim organizations and communities across the country in recognizing April 18-24, 2021, as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. This year is the 40th anniversary of recognizing National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW), when crime victims are remembered and special ceremonies are held to raise awareness about the devastating impact crime has on its victims and their communities.  It is also a time to show appreciation for victims and witnesses who participate in the criminal justice system, honor those who advocate on their behalf, and stand in solidarity to protect victims’ rights.

This year’s theme is, “Support Victims. Build Trust. Engage Communities.”  District Attorney Schubert announced earlier this year the “2021 Year for Victims” campaign, which supports this theme by recognizing victims of crime and ensuring they are not forgotten by the criminal justice system, legislators, public officials, the media or the community at large.  A component of the campaign includes a “Voices for Victims” coalition, which is made up of members who have their own personal experience with the criminal justice system and have a commitment to achieving justice for themselves or a loved one.  It also includes community leaders who advocate for victims of violent crime and help protect public safety. The coalition’s mission is to ensure that in the pursuit of criminal justice reform, the survivors are not forgotten, and the voices of victims are heard. For more information about the Voices for Victims Coalition visit www.VoicesforVictims.org.

This week, the District Attorney’s Office will post several social media videos in recognition of NCVRW, including the stories of Voices for Victims coalition members. To end the week, the office will hold its Annual Outstanding Citizen Awards Ceremony.  This ceremony honors local victims and witnesses who overcame extraordinarily difficult circumstances in order to testify in court.  It also honors those who went above and beyond to protect a victim in need, and those who advocate for victims and public safety. This year’s awardees will be: Paduacee Vue,  Pahouang Vue, and Nhia Vang; Herbert Halloway; Kimberly Vang; Rhiannon DeBeaufer; Luetta Luman and Geri Welch; and Mervin Brookins of Brother to Brother.

  • April 19, Monday: Video message from DA Schubert on NCVRW, the “2021 Year for Victims” campaign and Voices for Victims coalition

  • April 20, Tuesday: Voices for Victims video story montage (part 1)

  • April 21, Wednesday: Voices for Victims video story montage (part 2)

  • April 22, Thursday: Online Book: Voices for Victims Profiles in Courage

  • April 23, Friday: Outstanding Citizen Award Ceremony – livestreamed at 9:30 a.m. on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SacCountyDA

“The need to recognize victims and standup for their rights is more important than ever as the rights of offenders continue to take priority in our statewide policies,” said DA Anne Marie Schubert.  “It is my hope that the events of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week continue beyond this week and this year to ensure victims receive the support they need and victim rights are restored and strengthened.”